Anything else I need to know?
A hash is generally 3 miles and lasts about 3 hours, so plan accordingly. Oh, and there is one simple fact that applies unilaterally across all hashing activities: There are no rules.
Remember when we were kids? All of us ran. We ran in the playground, in the halls at school, at home, in the grocery store and everywhere else we went...and we loved every minute of it. As adults running has become something different, the fun part seems to have gone away and running is something we have to do either to stay or get back into shape. Hashing puts the fun back into running. It takes us on an anything goes adventure with the added bonus of beer. Pounding through terrain and obstacles that were probably never intended to be used as a running path. Rewarding your sense of adventure (or lack of common sense) with cuts, scrapes, friends, and sweet sweet beer (if you like). The object is to socialize and have as much fun as possible. Also, the health aspects can't be overlooked. The stress relief is phenomenal. Running is one of the very best aerobic exercises and it's been proven with science that 3 or 4 beers a day increases the average life-span.
The H.A.H.H.H. normally get together every other Saturday for a run, plus special occasions (check the Website for details on dates and times), always in a different place to avoid monotony. The Hare will set a trail for the pack (the rest of the Hashers) to follow. Several different methods may be used to lay the trail, the most common being with flour and chalk. Some Hashers use other methods for laying the trail. The Hare is traditionally given a 10-15 minute head-start before the pack starts after. The Hare uses various marks to indicate direction and deviously tries to outwit the pack. The pack's purpose is to catch the Hare, if possible, avoid getting lost and continue onward to the next beer-check. Eventually everyone makes it to the On-In where running takes a backseat to socializing. The Hare gets abused, Hashers with Hash-crimes from the trail get abused, beer (soda and water) gets consumed and songs are sung. The On-After is another chance to get together after the run, usually at a Mexican restaurant or pizza joint or where-ever they'll tolerate us, until we've eaten and drunk enough.
Hash cash (usually $5)
Valid ID (in case we end up in a bar)
Dress appropriately for being outside and performing physical activity (if you decide to wear clothing that is). Trails vary but may include water, mud and bars.
A whistle.
Sidewalk chalk.
Personalized Hash Necklace.
Pets (They won't finish trail...trust us.)
Children (There are some kid friendly hashes, this isn't one of them. Bringing kids would be an epic parenting mistake. )
"Children are NOT welcome at this event, unless you'd like to pay for years of therapy later." - Bar Czar
Anything you can't carry several miles
Anything you don't want to get dirty/sweaty/wet
Drama (although it tends to show its ugly head from time to time)
Drugs (despite the name, it has NOTHING to do with illegal substances)
A hash is generally 3 miles and lasts about 3 hours, so plan accordingly. Oh, and there is one simple fact that applies unilaterally across all hashing activities: There are no rules.
Hashing has its origins in the 1930s in the Pacific islands. Check out Half-Mind's On Hashing or Wikipedia for some history and more in-depth info
Follow the tweet on and on to the next Hash info.
Grand Master: Crotch Thumber
Le Guiche
Religious Advisor: Le Guiche
On Sec: Le Guiche
Beer Meister: Comander Daisy Bisquits
Hash Cash: Le Guiche
Haberdasher: B-Nailed
Hare Raiser: Gabby GayLickHer
Le Guiche
Maid of DisOnWhore
Web Meister: Le Guiche
Song Meister: Comander Daisy Bisquits
Gabby GayLickHer
Sargent at Arms: Officer Jugs
Hellhound H3(Lexington Full Moon)
Louisville H3(Louisville)
Licking Valley H3 (Cincitucky)
Queen City H4 (Cincinatti)
Sin City H4 (Cincinnati)
Dayton H3 (Dayton)
Renegate H3 (Columbus)
Music City H3 (Nashville)
IndyScent H3 (Indianapolis)
A songbook for Hash House Harriers. As such, it is guaranteed to offend – consider yourself warned. This songbook is a work in progress.
Come and join the HashSpace community. Keep in touch with hashers all over the world and share photos of your hash adventures.
If you wish to speak to us, drop us a line.